Bible Love Stories: Ruth & Boaz (Continuation)
The women rallied around Naomi with excitement mixed with sobriety.
Where’s Elimelech Penninah enquired and why has God made your life sad?
Mahlon and Kilion asked another
They died in Moab, she sobbed amist words, Elimelech and my sons are no more. My sons have no heirs, Naomi answered as grief poured through her lips.
They were married?
Yes, Ruth, Kilion’s wife decided to return with me, Mahlon’s widow stayed back in Moab for they married Moabites.
The Lord be with you, Ruth said as she courtesied at the women.
The Lord bless you they replied, the Lord cleanse you from all misfortunes Naomi they added.
Come with us, spend the night with us Jael reached out. Other women nodded at her invitation.
We will take you to Elimelech’s land and erect a tent were you can settle down and live but we must give a sin offering tomorrow at dawn, for the death and loss experienced in the past years. This will serve as atonement for transgression committed inadvertently, or in ignorance, Penninah suggested.
We will do all that should be done said Naomi.
As they journeyed back to Bethlehem, the women chattered about the bountiful harvest.
Ruth paid attention to the conversations, she also learnt that she could glean from the harvest workers left behind from cutting grains.
The next day at dawn, some women and young men came to Jael’s quarters to offer fine flour, oil and a young lamb for sale. So she informed Ruth about this offer and Ruth made the payment from her savings.
Elimelech’s relatives from the tribe of Ephraim also showed up because word had gone round that Elimelech and his sons had died and Naomi had returned from Moab alone. They also arranged for a Levite to conduct the atonement ceremony, while a priest led the clan in offering the sacrifice and prayers of atonement made.
Later in the day, after Naomi and Ruth settled in Elimelech’s land, young workmen came to assist them in erecting the tent. Ruth learnt there was a field less than one mile away where she could glean grains from. After the workmen had finished the task, Ruth offered them the remaining flour, oil, mutton and watered their troughs.
We can always render assistance anytime you need it, they said with gratitude and left.
Neighbours began arriving from their work at dusk, so Ruth went out to welcome the women. She joined Penninah and Jael in preparing supper.
As they settled in for the evening’s meal, Ruth also made conversations with the young women who had gleaned from fields.
She decided that she will leave with Acsah the following day, since she was now running out of money for upkeep. But Acsah didn’t agree because she felt that Ruth would shorten her ration.
The next day, Ruth told Naomi at dawn: I am going to the fields less than one mile from here. Maybe someone will be kind enough to let me gather the grain he leaves behind.
Who told you that there’s a field less than a mile from here?
The workmen who erected the tent Ruth answered.
Go my daughter Naomi said.
So Ruth went into the fields and gathered leftovers the workers cutting the grain left behind.
It just so happened that the field she gleaned from belonged to Boaz, Elimelech’s relative .