Osifeko Adeola
7 min readJan 9, 2019

Episode 1: The Rat Race contd.

It's over a week since the interview with BECKROFT PARTNERS, Tola's father mentioned during supper.

Maybe it's a subtle way of filtering applicants, Tola added.

Why didn’t they make their intentions known immediately. The recruitment process should be hassle free for youth corp members, her mum added. I should inform Justice Otaru about the situation.

No, I just don’t want to be a bother to her. I’m considering talking to an admin officer tomorrow during the community development service meeting (CDs), perhaps she might tell me what to do. I really dread spending nine months of my service year at a Microfinance Bank while my colleagues are getting integrated into the legal system, she nagged.

That night, Tola felt really disturbed, not that she didn’t feel awkward in the past one week. She wondered what went wrong, although she could sense the answer in BA’s disposition. She really liked BECKROFT PARTNERS. The interiors were state of the art, the outward design was stunning, beautiful with impressive vegetation. The lawyers looked like investment bankers. Even the support staff looked like bankers. She spent half the night googling and searching for law firms, perhaps, she thought, I could stop by at BECKROFT PARTNERS tomorrow and get a definite verdict.

The next day,as corpers resume for cds, they take turns to register attendance by ticking the log book. Dozie beckons on Tola as she ticked the attendance register for the legal aid group.

I saw you the other day at BECKROFT PARTNERS, Dozie said.

Really? How is that possible! Why didn’t you holla at me?

I was scheduled to write the test and was pretty nervous, so I just figured that we'll see some other time.

Have you been contacted?

I was told to resume the following Monday.

Oh really? I was told that the HR Manager will contact me.

Did she?


Well they already passed the message, Dozie said.

Tola had finally come to terms with the setback. She had met Dozie at the camp during the three week orientation programme and somehow they became buddies. He just had a way of nudging her into reality.

Jaiye and Mosun soon joined in. Everyone seem to have settled down at their place of primary assignments.

Jaiye began probing, what's happening to you Tola?

Still at Dowell Microfinance Bank. She said.

We know who to meet for 0% interest loans, Mosun teased.

She’ll probably become a start up expert after nine months. Jaiye added.

Is the pay good? Mosun asked.

You should tell us how much you’ll be earning first, retorted Tola.

25k. I intend to augment my income with a side hustle in fashion.

You can’t engage in buying and selling articles as a legal practitioner Mosun!Actually it’s safe to register a limited liability company and subscribe for shares. You can also double as a director, Tola added. You’ll have to employ freelance tailors.

Where am I going to get the money, oh I see you have targets. How can I access a loan from Dowell? Mosun teased again.

You have a phone, google it!

How about you Dozie, you bi returnee naw. You suppose heavy, Jaiye probed.

I have not been told how much I’d earn, Dozie lied.

Weytin guy, you mean de never tell you how much dem go pay you?!

How about you Jaiye? Dozie poked back


60k! That’s how much lawyers with five years experience earn at the law firm Mosun said.

Wait o! I mean 60k exclusive of the 20k allowee from the Federal Government.

I know, plus 20k allowee that’s how much lawyers earn with seven years post call experience at the law firm.

I can’t believe my ears. Tola said

10k for each year of advancement! They obviously aren’t paid fringe benefits.

Actually, being a lawyer is really tough if you’re not with the first to fourth tier firms, there’s really no rewarding remuneration for you added Dozie.

How do you know the first to fourth tier law firms, Mosun asked.

IFLR1000 is an international body that specializes in law firm rankings, lawyers ranking and legal development in global financial markets. Dozie said.

You may want to follow IFLR1000 on LinkedIn, he added.

How much is your pay Tola? Jaiye probed again.


Oh! why do you want to change ? Mosun interjected.

I want a law firm or rather work in a corporate organisation as a corporate lawyer.

Well you don't have that opportunity now, Jaiye said.

I didn't bargain to be a cashier either, Tola retorted.

Well, is this how our Thursdays will continue, we just come here to sit around. I thought we’ll be assigned probono tasks today. Dozie tried to evade the conversation.

We'll soon be grouped.
At least before the end of the month.

Are there preferences? Tola enquired

Nope, it's based on advocacy alone.

I've just been added to a WhatsApp group, Mosun said.

Me too, they all chimed

What's the deal, Jaiye probed

It’s meant for communication exchange. Tola said.

I think I should see Mrs Aina today, perhaps she can assist in some way.

Maybe you should do that right away, Jaiye said.

Later! said Mosun

When is the call to bar ceremony Jaiye asked.

Why do you always ask questions you can find answers to?No one knows yet until our result have been published. That should come first while we keep checking the website for information, said Tola as she left.

Dozie follows Tola as she heads for the admin office.

I doubt if Mrs Aina can do anything.

So what should I do, accept my fate?

Maybe you should see Mrs Olasore, tables may turn in your favour. She can put in a word for you.

Are you the only new wig there?

No. Kalu Ofodile is my only colleague.

You don’t say! What happened to Naomi?

Who's Naomi?

I met her during the interview. That’s the thing, law firms should start implementing than making conversations about gender equality.

You women get married, pregnant and all sorts. Men are more predictable. Work for men is connected to their identity, some women work to do something, they hang in so they can pass time, not necessarily because it’s their basic source of sustenance.

That’s not true Dozie, I think our employment laws should reflect adult realities. Women as well as men should be given maternity/paternity leave. Pregnant women and new mums should have flexible work hours.

And you think a private organization can afford to splurge.

With a female partner, female workers should be given consideration.

Anyway, I came across Grey Wing Practice on my google search yesterday, I’d better check on them but I should see Mrs. Aina.

Instead of dissipating energy, you should head on to Grey Wing Practice, the week will end tomorrow.


Tola heads for Campbell Street where the law firm is situated. As she approached the receptionist, the Managing Partner was about leaving the office.

Good afternoon Sir

Hello Naomi

I’m not Naomi, she began the introduction; I’m Tolani Balogun, a youth corp member. Unfortunately I was posted to a Microfinance Bank but I really want to work with a law firm.

He motions to the library.

Why do you want to work in a law firm?

I want to have the right start she said as she settled into the chair. I want to build on the right foundation.

Mr. Johnson calls for a file.

Blessing comes in with a file and places it on the table.

Meet Blessing, she’s the receptionist.

Good afternoon

Hello, she chimed at Tola

One of the firm’s client, Diamond Limited, was served a writ of summons and statement of claim about three months ago. Unfortunately we’ve just been briefed. Let me know what should be done before the statement of defence is filed.

Send me an email.

OK Sir but can I have the High Court of Lagos State (Civil Procedure) Rules? I don’t mind giving you the answer right now.

That’s fine, leave your response with the receptionist. She will contact you.

Thank you sir, Tola said with a glee

Not yet, let me get your answer.

Mr. Johnson points to the stack of A4 sheets.

Give your script to the receptionist 20 mins from now.

Tola began scanning through the table of content of the Rules.

Order 44 Rule 4 seems apt!

She began writing: Based on the background information, Diamond Limited shall file along its defence, a motion pursuant to order 44 rule 4, seeking an order of the to court to extend the time to file Diamond’s defence since 42 days have lapsed to file its response to the writ of summons dated 4th day of May 2017. It’s also important to pay default fees of 200 naira for each day of default. The default period should be computed from the day of expiration to the day the statement of defence will be filed.

tgirlspeaks@gmail.com, 08028857641.

She added her mobile number and email to her script.

On Friday, Tola’s mind skipped at every text and email alert. She didn’t get any notice from Grey Wing Practice.

She thought to herself, I need to get back to the firm right now! Framing the excuse she could give, she heads to her supervisor’s cubicle and informs her that she had to rush down to the NYSC office, an urgent notice has just been circulated on our WhatsApp group and requires urgent response, she lied.

Tola dashs off to Campbell Street.
She greets Blessing at the reception. Blessing smiles, reached for the intercom and informs Mr. Johnson of Tola’s arrival. She trys to pick the conversation

OK, Blessing responded.

Do you have a copy of your resume?


She hands a copy from her bag.

She continues with the conversation on the intercom and whispered some information. Blessing looks up with a smile.

Welcome, let me introduce you to your supervisor and your colleagues.

After she had been introduced to her supervisor and senior colleagues, she finally meets a startled Naomi Etimi.

We meet again Tola said

What a coincidence, she responded.

Osifeko Adeola
Osifeko Adeola

Written by Osifeko Adeola

Content writer & Legal Practitioner. I create training content on business & creative writings. I re/write copies too! Contact me: laurelspot1@gmail.com

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