It’s A Wrap!!!
William Shakespeare: As You Like It.
“All the world’s a stage,
And all the men and women merely players;
They have their exits and their entrances,
And one man in his time plays many parts”
You, We, I made it to the end of 2016 and in less than four hours we’ll be celebrating a brand new year!
Look at you! Look how you made something meaningful from the opportunities you prepared for and stumbled on!
Look at how you handled the low times, how you thrived and blossomed through the year!
Look at the glimmer of hope and expectancy surging through, the lessons you’ve garnered, the height of wisdom attained this year!
Look at you, the chapters covered, the rehearsed acts, the scenes acted!So what’s next now that we’ve finally come this far?
I’m officially signing off for 2016, see you on the other side of a brand New Year! Make sure you recommend and comment on this spot yeah and probably send in your guest write ups in 2017 too.
It’s a wrap!