Osifeko Adeola
4 min readJan 29, 2019

The Elk Review January Read: LEAD Multiply Your Success by Dr Sam Adeyemi.

This read is just about the best trigger information for the new year!

The author, Sam Adeyemi, in the most captivating narrative style shares the most instructive and transforming leadership lessons and experiences with stories, anecdotes and actionables.

Leadership is not reserved exclusively for a select few, in fact we cannot all be political figures to assume the role of leadership, it’s a call to humanity because that’s the highest, truest, expression of every human being.

In his words; "Whatever is your title or position, you can lead right where you are’’.

The most crucial factor to becoming a leader is having a VISION. You must capture a preferred future than your current circumstance with the power of your imagination. How do you capture a compelling VISION you ask?

"If you are a leader and you cannot find time to pray and think, you will soon fizzle out" he says. This is because to become an effective leader you must leverage the power of your mind in prayer, meditation and exposure to cardinal information that grows your heart, expand your capacity to function through learning, and yielding to mentors which will ultimately guarantee personal transformation. A transformed person’s paradigm changes for proper alignment. Transformation positions us for influence in our relationships, organisations, institutions, nation and even the global forte.

Recognising that you have the responsibility to identify, develop and unleash the leader in you is crucial to leadership and multiplying your personal influence.

People love leaders who are WINNERS, you have to WIN all by yourself first before you can influence others to WIN.

Your challenges are not peculiar, because each time you solve them you have solutions that’ll help others solve their challenges and invariably you expand the capacity to lead. You belong to a tribe, thrive within your niche.

Having a vision is the starting point, you also need to add 3Cs of leadership to your personal leadership growth:


Leadership requires selfless service and transparency, without these three core components you cannot LEAD, because you will not inspire the relationships around you.

We need to place a demand to develop and yield to these dimensional qualities to become effective leaders. To achieve any VISION, you must exhibit these qualities to inspire cooperation from others, cooperation that leads to their transformation and the responsibility to develop character, hone the ability to perform effectively and commit to the ultimate goal of influencing others just as you have been influenced by one who leads. Every influential leader you know and will ever know outgrew his environment, limitations, failures and weakness by committing to build character and sharpening skills set.

Further down the leadership walk he takes us through the most integral aspect of leadership: PRINCIPLE. You have to become a principle centred person to multiply your personal success. This is a crucial law for influence.

"The person who trivialises the importance of principles is in for many struggles in the bid to achieve success. Refusal to use principle to achieve results breeds desperation, manipulation, intimidation and ultimately frustration".

Recognising principles is not enough, you must adopt them by internalizing them until they become your personal truth/belief, a culture that guides daily actions, then use principles to solve problems. The most impactful way to apply principles is enforce them: by building mores, ethical conducts that guide our daily interactions and operations using accountable structures.

Understand that principles enable us multiply the capacity to lead, because principles are irrefutable laws that guarantees success that not only works but lasts. To multiply your influence or personal success effectively, you must be principle centred, replicate the culture of adopting principles within your sphere of influence and creating mechanisms for enforcement is pivotal to leadership as well.

When success does not rest on principles, it’s temporary. It’s like building your house on sand”.

Why instill principle in your leadership culture?

Principles result in predictability and ethical conducts: they’re founded on the timeless tenets of LOVE, VISION, TEACHABILITY and SELF CONTROL/PERSONAL BOUNDARIES.

Great leaders share power because they know the art of perpetuating legacies.

I strongly recommend that leadership should be included in our learning curriculum from secondary schools to the highest cadre of knowledge, vocation and personal development. Our nation is in dire need of effective leaders who are groomed from early beginnings, young leaders who understand what it entails to adopt the practice of timeless pillars of leadership: using PRINCIPLES to solve problems, young leaders who can improve the current systems of enforcing our laws.

If this review was useful, buy copy(ies) of this book and enjoy the journey to unravelling your best self whilst provoking those around you to evolve beyond potentials. The entire wealth of information from the great leadership expert is transformational! It’s available at PNEUMA PUBLISHING, Ikeja, Lagos, Nigeria.

Osifeko Adeola
Osifeko Adeola

Written by Osifeko Adeola

Content writer & Legal Practitioner. I create training content on business & creative writings. I re/write copies too! Contact me: laurelspot1@gmail.com

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